Tips for Managing Chronic Pain Beyond Prescription Painkillers

Painkillers like Oxycontin, Percocet, and Vicodin, have been prescribed by primary physicians, surgeons, dentists, and other healthcare providers to patients suffering from varying levels of pain. Though these medications have proven to be an effective source of pain relief, they have also proven to be highly addictive. In fact, it has even been reported that […]

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Predicting the Structure of Proteins: Why It Matters

 After water, protein is the next most abundant substance found in the human body. In fact, some experts predict that the human body produces anywhere between 20,000 and 100,000 different types of proteins. That doesn’t include all of the various proteins found in our food sources, biopharmaceuticals, and those produced by other living organisms around […]

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Talent Acquisition Techniques of Top Healthcare Providers

Medical staffing

Recruitment within the healthcare industry is becoming especially tough as shortages and gaps within specialities are more prevalent. It has been estimated that there will be a shortage of approximately 45,000 medical and surgical specialists within the next ten years. Further, the medical industry is also experiencing a shortage of non-clinical staff, like security guards, […]

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Use of Non-Specific Methods Like TOC for Cleaning Validation

TOC for cleaning validation

For the effective removal of residues, Pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical manufacturers, who perform manual, automated, or CIP (Cleaning in Place) methods of their production equipments are required to comply with regulatory requirements. To carry out this task, they perform various tests i.e. testing rinse water, cleaning water samples to ensure their cleaning process removes residues to […]

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George Clinical Helps to Develop a New Investigator Retention Program

One of the challenges with clinical trial site investigators has been the lack of long-term engagement. The George Institute for Global Health along with George Clinical, their clinical research organisation recently took part in a joint effort to develop new guidelines and recommendations to encourage greater long-term engagement and participation by clinical site investigators. George […]

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