Between 1997 and 2000 Pharmadule built a number of pharmaceutical manufacturing facilities in China for both domestic manufacturers and multi-national pharmaceutical companies, including Eli Lilly and AstraZeneca. The multi-national companies required GMP compliance and validation services comparable to the level that exist today. The facilities delivered for Chinese manufacturers would comply with international GMP requirements; […]
Emulsification Technologies
Innovation Challenges in Manufacturing
Regulatory agencies in charge of protecting the population against health risks have a large burden divided, mainly, between two large areas. The first is a direct consequence of the mission, that is, to effectively protect the population against health risks across the diverse industrial sectors and activities which might generate risks. This implies that the […]
Redesigning Drugs
As a medication becomes widely used, new insights emerge on modes of action, side effects and patient response. At the same time, advances in molecular biology, receptor pharmacology and better understanding of the clinical condition may create possibilities for new indications or for better treatment of the existing indication by altering dosage regimen or by […]